Have more questions about the content of this e-learning?
Contact our Training & Education Manager:

Supporting LGBT+ Young People

Does your organisation work with or support children & young people? Is your school or college improving its DEI practices?

Our online course is a cost-effective solution that will ensure that the staff and/or volunteers at your organisation feel confident in working with and supporting LGBT+ children and young people.

This e-learning course will:
🌈  Introduce and explain the key terms and concepts surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity through a range of videos and interactive activities
πŸ”  Explore the practical application of these ideas in your youth work setting with real-life examples
πŸ› οΈ  Equip your team with techniques to help the young people they support

By the end of the online course, learners will have:
🧠  A better understanding of the experiences of LGBT+ young people
πŸ†  Greater confidence in supporting, and being an ally to LGBT+ young people
πŸŽ“  Knowledge on how to create inclusive environments for LGBT+ young people

Allsorts’ e-learning has been developed by our team of professional trainers who have provided LGBT+ training and education services to a wide range of organisations since 2002. We are experienced in catering to the needs of educational, youth, and business settings, and our training services are informed by the experiences of the LGBT+ children, young people, and families we support. All proceeds of the e-learning are returned to Allsorts LGBT+ youth and family services across Sussex.

To enquire about licensing the e-learning course, or to request a quote, please contact us through the button above.

a photo of someone's hands at a computer. Superimposed on top of the image is a purple rectangle with a quote inside which reads "It was exactly what we needed".

‍Frequently Asked Questions

‍‍What are the advantages of providing this course as e-learning?
Allsorts also provides in-person and online LGBT+ awareness and inclusion training, but we have developed this e-learning because we understand the time and financial constraints many organisations are facing.

E-learning is a cost-effective option that allows learners to:
βŒ›  Work at their own pace
πŸ“–  Revise or return to previous sections of the course.
βœ…  Complete the course at any time, removing the limitations of conflicting timetables

‍What is the duration of the e-learning?
We expect the course will take most people approximately 1 hour, but encourage learners to take it at their own pace.

‍What previous knowledge is required?
No previous knowledge is required. This e-learning is suitable for people looking to brush up on their knowledge and confidence, or for those who are new to the content.

‍Who is the e-learning suitable for?
Much like our workshops and inclusion programmes, this e-learning is suitable for anyone working with children or young people. This includes, but is not limited to, schools, colleges or other educational settings, youth organisations, health providers, charities, or after-school clubs.

‍How much does the e-learning licence cost?
The cost of licensing the e-learning for your organisation will depend on the number of learners and licence period. To enquire about licensing the course or to request a quote, please contact us with the button above.

What accessibility features does this e-learning have?
Every video is captioned, all relevant pictures have alt text embedded into them, and everything can be navigated with just keyboard (for any learner who prefers not to use a mouse). If you have any questions about accessibility, you can contact colin@allsortsyouth.org.uk

Have more questions about the content of this e-learning?
Contact our Training & Education Manager: